Helping the Environment
Small easy steps done collectively make a real difference
Changes we each make, however small, collectively make a real difference to our environment. Here are some of the steps open to us:
Ali’s recycling for the local community
Award winning Ali and team of helpers collect a diverse items for recycling. They focus on items not collected by the Council. Her mission: “Together we can make a better impact on our Planet”.
roadside and waste centre recycling
West Berkshire Council offer roadside collection of garden, food, plastic, cans, paper and card. Their recycling centres at Padworth and Newbury and Sainsbury’s Tadley accept additional types of (primarily plastic) waste not collected at the roadside.

Hampstead Norreys Community Shop
winner of the Countryside alliance Best Rural Shop in Britain 2019, the team of volunteers are brimming with alternative products and ideas.

Thatcham & Newbury Plastic Free, recycling and zero waste
greener towns & villages through sharing information on where to recycle, promoting zero waste & plastic free swaps.
Avoid, Re-use or recycle plastic
Look for plastic free alternatives; re-use where plastic is unavoidable; if all else fails, recycle.
Plastic Free Mortimer: a resident- led group that promote alternatives to plastic, by increasing awareness and gaining support from local businesss. Read about them HERE.
Thatcham Refillable: promotes refilling used bottles to reduce plastic waste. They have a pop-up shop that visits Burghfield Common monthly – see calendar for dates. MORE INFO
Blue Planet 2: Wise words from Sir David Attenborough on single use plastic – WATCH HERE
broader steps
w’ve collated sources of inspiration to help the environment.
Small steps: THIS GUIDE shows some simple steps we can take
Energy Saving: Tips are HERE
Hampstead Norreys Community Shop: their story featured in Kennet – LISTEN AGAIN HERE
West Berks Council: is a source of additional ideas HERE and discussions HERE