Ali's community Recycling

Ali’s team of volunteers collect diverse items for recycling as part of the manufacturer-funded “Terracycle” scheme, aimed primarily at recycling items NOT collected by the Council via roadside collection or waste and recycling centres.

The table below lists what is and is not accepted by Terracycle.  Since Terracycle comprises multiple manufacturer schemes, you’ll find that some items not accepted on one scheme are accepted by another – for example Pretzel bags are accepted under the “KP Nuts..” scheme.

There’s an alternative pictorial view of the same information below the table.  Below the pictures is a list of additional (non Terracycle) items that Ali’s team also collect. 

Please place your items (bagged) in labelled wheelie bins outside Mortimer Methodist Church, West End Road ensuring that.

  • Items are clean AND bagged per category- NOT dropped in loose.   
  • You checked carefully that your items ARE listed  before dropping them off.

Happy sorting and bagging!

Terracycle items - in a table

[table id=3 /]

terracycle items - in pictures

Click on any image for details and slide show. Don’t forget the list of additional accepted items below the image gallery.

Additional items accepted -via same drop off wheelie bins