
Recycling services

food waste composting

Waste food produces around 11% of methane emissions, a significant contributor to climate change. Reducing food waste is said to be the third most effective way to reverse global climate change. Putting your food waste into a caddy, then putting it out for free roadside collection helps reduce our carbon footprint. West Berkshire Council starts weekly foodwaste collections this month.  You should put food waste only in the new caddy (not the green of black wheelie bin) from week commencing 21 October.


plastic recycling

The following items can be recycled at the West Berkshire Council waste and recycling centres (Padworth and Newtown Road, Newbury):

yoghurt pots*
cream pots*
butter/margarine tubs*
plastic food trays, eg takeaway trays, ready meal trays*
biscuit tray packaging*
clear fruit punnets*
clear meat trays*

tubs from chocolate, sweets, biscuits, crackers
cosmetic pots, eg face cream pots
plastic lids (bottle tops, plastic lids etc)

paper containers with metal ends, such as Pringles tubes, packaging used for hot chocolate, nuts and other products (added 1/10/21).

NOTE outer plastic wrappers and bread bags are NOT accepted.

Sainsburys Tadley accept the items marked * and more click HERE for details.

For details of what is collected via roadside collection see the FAQ section

garden waste 

Recycling garden waste helps the environment by reducing methane build up in land fill sites. You can subscribe the service with West Berkshire Council.

Here’s a handy summary of what can be recycled where.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips on what is collected where, charges and how the services differ.

what recycling does the council collect from the roadside, paid or free?

This leaflet summarises the council roadside collection service of garden waste, food waste and recycling. Only garden waste is chargeable. 

how do I subscribe to garden waste subscription?

Click here to subscribe.

will the council collect food waste if I do not subscribe to the garden waste service?

yes, you can put food waste, in compostable bag(s), into your green wheelie bin for fortnightly roadside collection even if you don’t subscribe to the garden waste service.  If you don’t have a green wheelie bin you can request one by email HERE. In Autumn 2022 the council will deliver food waste caddies to residents and introduce a weekly collection

what different  plastic waste is collected at the roadside, waste centres, Sainsburys’ Tadley and Ali’s scheme? 

There is some overlap between what the Padworth centre and Sainsburys’ accept, none of which is collected at the roadside. Ali’s service focuses on manufacturer-sponsored collection of items not collected via other means. Check out this page for details  of her initiative.

can I put food and garden waste in the black bin?

It is bad for the environment to do either. Since there is no charge for food waste collection, other than the cost of the special bags, please separate food waste.