two vacancies exist for new councillors
Two vacancies have arisen for councillors on Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council.
Three candidates applied and they will be interviewed by the existing concillors at the council meeting in Mortimer Methodist church hall on Thursday 15 October from 19.30.
What is a parish council?
The parish council, comprising volunteer councillors supported by paid employees, is an elected body within local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the community on issues that affect it. The councils aim to reflect how a community feels about relevant issues, by negotiating with/influencing other decision makers, including West Berkshire Council, health authorities and police.
Parish councillors are non-political and must sign up to the Code of Conduct. The term of office for current and new councillors runs until May 2023, when councillors can stand for re-election.
What are the council’s main activities?
Managing the fairground and other green spaces; footpaths, crime and safety; street lighting (keeping it to a minimum); rights of way and some aspects of planning and roads.
Current initiatives include widening the footway between the War Memorial and St Mary’s school; creating a safe foot/cycle way between Mortimer and Burghfield; and a refresh of the neighbourhood plan. Other activities include speed checking/management, school liaison, taking ownership of the library, the future of the Garth Hall club.
How much time does it take?
A few hours per month, according to your area of focus. The monthly full council meeting lasts about two hours and councillors usually join committees/groups to deal with specific subjects and some serve as representatives on outside bodies or perform relevant community activities. Most meetings are done outside normal working hours reflecting the voluntary nature of the role and won’t happen every day, so it’s not going to take over your life.
More information
* The best way is to talk to a current councillor – their contact details are here
* Tips from another parish council